Hello everyone, first of all, thanks for your patience whilst we were further investigating the changes to high-level potion OSRS Accounts. After hearing from players, we have decided not make any more changes to the potion. They are not intended to be available in PvP scenarios.
Questions you might be asking yourself are: Why didn't this happen before release/do it happen so fast after release?
We were happy with the results of the potions once they were tested and balanced before the release. After observing the post-release of combat on a massive scale, we noticed that the randomness of hitting chances had been affected negatively.
Due to the increase in numbers "under the under the hood" so to speak, the randomness of hitting vs. not striking during a battle between different buff players was shifted in a direction we didn't want to. As a result, more players may have lost an unfair fight from the start. We will rectify this issue with future combat system changes.
Why shouldn't they be allowed to be used in PvP? Or allow them to be traded? Although this may be valid, we believe that these potions should only be utilized by players who have completed the necessary levels Buy Old School RS Gold. This is even though those who have trained in PvE situations are able to gain an advantage.