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When it comes to your Christmas decorations, it seems like just about every neighbor or passerby has an opinion: too bright, too dull, too soon, or not Christmas-y enough. But while most these criticisms can be safely ignored as the mutterings of jealous,
Johnny 11/25/2018 0 756
When I was 23, I had a one-night stand that lasted five years. I went on a ski trip with three school friends; all of us were single and two of us had recently been dumped. We sang All Saints' "Never Ever" on the ski lift by day and danced on tables in bar
Johnny 11/25/2018 1 713
Camo is making a comeback. We’re seeing it everywhere, from desert-style to jungle-style to Woodland-style to digital-style, on trousers by Calvin Klein, sweatshirts by Givenchy, and even ties by Dries Van Noten. It’s a wonder you could even see any of the
Johnny 11/23/2018 0 1036
If you’ve got a loved one who loves nothing more than cutting-edge stuff that pushes the boundaries of modern living, we’ve got good news for you: these days, that stuff is everywhere. And it’s more than just the wired world of smartwatches and tablets. In
Johnny 11/23/2018 0 865
    Nike Air Sock Racer OG Lightweight Pioneer $110; Buy now at The Air Sock Racer OG was originally released in the 80s and was a major inspiration for many of today’s lightweight sneakers. This new “Pioneer” model from Nike provides a
Johnny 11/23/2018 0 935
Are you beyond excited to meet up with all your favorite relatives and feast on Grandma's mouthwatering sweet potato pie? Are you totally dreading having to sit across from your ignorant cousins and hold your tongue at their political comments? No matter h
Johnny 11/21/2018 0 656
These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Thanksgiving 2018, So Eat It All Up
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