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In the world of wellness, there are some seriously unusual, and even mildly frightening practices out there, and there always have been. I mean, take your pick, really: From micro-needling to that pedicure where the little fish eat away your dead skin (ew,
liquidcash 07/19/2018 0 1235
With 1.3 trillion dollars of annual buying power, millennials are now the driving force behind our economy.  If you own your own business, successfully reaching and getting a response from this demographic is probably easier than you think. 1. Mobilize Yo
liquidcash 12/29/2016 0 1135
By 2020, India will see digital payment growth of 10 times its current size, hitting $500 billion and contributing 15 percent to the country’s gross domestic product. That’s according to a new study conducted by Google and Boston Consulting Group. Accordin
liquidcash 07/28/2016 0 904
Listing your personal assets can be tedious and time-consuming. Despite the hassle, the effort will pay off when you need to make an insurance claim if your home is broken into or destroyed by fire or flood.[1] You can also use it to determine asset distri
liquidcash 07/23/2016 0 968
Every week on my national radio show, someone calls to ask about legitimate work-at-home online jobs. There are some great opportunities, but just like a landing a real job, you need the desire to make things happen. And since these are online opportunitie
liquidcash 07/17/2016 0 965
Your financial decisions and activities – budgeting, spending, saving, investing, retirement planning – affect your financial health both now and in the future. While it used to be challenging, to say nothing of tedious, to keep track of all of your financ
liquidcash 07/16/2016 0 1342
In his address at Hamilton’s commencement, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel told the Class of 2016, “At this time in your life you know fewer limits, fewer taboos and fewer fears than you ever will in the future. So do not squander your ignorance! Go out and
liquidcash 07/16/2016 0 913
Card Fraud Costing Issuers $10.9 Billion Annually, Indicates New LexisNexis Risk Solutions Study With Credit Cards Accounting For 71% of Losses, Study Authors Anticipate a Rush of Counterfeit Card Fraud as Mag Stripe Window Closes and EMV Takes Hold Card f
liquidcash 07/16/2016 0 861
A South African bank became a victim of a bank heist 10,000 miles away, after a group of criminals stole $13 million out of cash machines on another continent using fake South African credit cards. The thieves used around 1,600 forged cards to withdraw the
liquidcash 07/16/2016 1 814
Reason why you might want to start using Liquid Cash.
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